He's alive!

I thought it might be a good idea to do an update on my blog so you know if I'm alive or not. It would surprise me though if someone still reads my blog considerating the lack of new blog entries.

Anyway, I'm in love. My three weeks with Natalie were amazing. Lots, lots and lots of fun. And yes, I was in love before aswell, it's just incredible how much you can miss someone after only a couple of months absence from one and another!

Natalie at Blue Mountains

Right now I'm just a short drive from Hepburn where my sister is. Haven't met her in almost six months so I really looking forward seeing her. That's all for today, see you another time, until then "beskåda" this sunset. Lovely!

Just another beautiful view in Australia

Michael, hoppas att du läser detta, min mail är mittförnamn_mittefternamn@hotmailpunktcom. Vill bara inte skylta med den i sin rätta form på internet, man får lätt en massa skräpmail då. Skriv till mig och berätta mer on dina Australien planer, skulle vara sjukt kul att ses!

Bye bye New South Wales

So in the end it was Natalie who made me leave the wonderful world of WWOOF and New South Wales to head south towards Melbourne, Victoria!

On my way down I went to Yea Wetlands, National Parks, small old Gold Towns, Memorial Gardens, Bush walking trips, Lookouts and drove through the parts of Victoria where the big fires were last year. About the destroyed bushlands and homes and towns, very very emotional and sad to see but at the same time hopeful becausecause everywhere were homemade signs that said "We will rebuild!"

Maybee some other day I will upload more photos and write more about my adventures, bye for now!

Time for a change

Hello everyone! A special Hello to everyone back home in Sweden and Natalie, miss you all! As you already know (if you read my previous posts) I enjoyed my stay at Aranda so when I was asked if I wanted to stay a little longer I gladly accepted the offer. Things are still great but now it feels like it's time for a change so on Wednesday morning I'll leave Aranda to WWOOF in Orange at friends of Stephen and Emily. Take care, Christian!


I understand some of you back home would like to know more about what's happening with Christian Down Under. Well here's a short resumé of what happened after Sydney. Before I left Sydney I joined WWOOF Australia, a volunteer organisation where you as a WWOOFER work a couple of hours a day in exchange for free food and accommodation. WWOOF stands for ”Willing Workers On Organic Farms” and right know I'm staying at a farm named Aranda owned by a wonderful, WONDERFUL, family! The farm is situated north of Australias first inland city, Bathurst, and has some cattle, sheep, horses, hens, working dogs and cats. Stephen and Emily, the owners, call the place a hobby-farm. Both of them has work in the city plus Emily is a potter and Stephen runs his own engineering workshop, and on top of that the farm!

Stephen and Emily are wonderful hosts and they don't work their guests to death no no. They tell me, ”you didn't come to Australia to work did you?” and they always tell me to relax when I ask for work. So what do I do instead you might ask? I've been to a nearby city called Orange, I read books, play chess, backgammon and enjoying being a part of this wonderful family, I'm very happy I got the chance to stay here. Workwise (other than mentioned in the previous post) I helping (helped, we're done) Stephen to build a dog yard for Jack and Milo. Tomorrow I'll dig a backyard path from the house to the back paddocks. Probably I've done more than this but it'll give you an idea of how I spend my days here. I'll be staying here for another week, then I'll continue WWOOFing at friends of Stephen and Emilys for hopefully another two weeks. After that nothing is decided but staying at Emilys parents place (yes, I have been invited) at the foot of Blue Mountains sounds wonderful so I might do that. Now you hopefully know what's going on. See you later, please leave comments!

2 degrees below zero

On the weatherforecast yesterday they said it would be -2 degrees Celcius this night, and bloody hell I think they were right - I'M FREEZING!

Life on Stephen and Emilys farm "Aranda" together with Sarah 16, Sam 14, the two dogs Milo and old father Jack, the two lovley cats Jessica and Simba plus all the other animals (cattle, sheep, hens) couldn't be better!

I've been introduced to drenching and vaccinating cattle and sheep, I've done it myself, we got pictures of it =) I know how to get a sheep to surrender and lay on it's back, I'm feeding the hens, repairing fences and having a great time. Yesterday was Emeliys birthday and I got the luck to meet her lovley parents John and Hillary. Today I helped one of Stephens friends, Greg, to move and I introduced Sam to Phase 10 and ended the day with watching a movie with Sarah. Sydney is NOTHING compered to what I'm experience now, this is wonderful, life is great!

No pictures of my stay here yet though, Stephen and Emilys internet connection got limited upload/download capacity (1gig per month) so I try to use internet carefully. Take care, lots of love, Christian